Investing in mutual funds not only lets your money grow over time but you could earn yearly profits in the form of mutual fund dividends or interest. This will depend on the type of mutual fund investment you have. Unfortunately, dividends are taxable but non-the less; you still earn a significant amount of profit on your investment. The only drawback to mutual dividends or interest earnings, is that any such earnings within or outside of the United States, are taxable.
This should not refrain you from seeking mutual funds because at the end of the day you are still earning a yearly profit from your investment. Keep Your Investment Growing There are two objectives for investing in mutual funds. One is to keep your money growing and the other is to earn a profit in the form dividends or interest. To make your money grow even faster, invest your mutual fund dividends in the fund account. If you were to re-invest the dividend portion on a yearly basis, not only will your initial investment grow, but you will also make your dividend grow.
This process makes your investment grow even faster. Most funds will allow you to re-invest your dividends, all you have to do is instruct your financial manager to process the request. Re-investing your dividends is a excellent method used to maximize your investment growth. It allows your investment to generate returns on the initial money invested and on the dividends re-invested.
As you can see, this process has a multiplying affect on the growth of you investment. Tracking Down Your Investment Transactions The most important function of investing is to monitor your investment transactions. How else will you determine how your investment is doing? No matter how small or big your investment is, you must always monitor your progress to ensure you are generating the returns you expected. Specifically, you need to keep track of the monies invested in mutual funds and the return your getting form mutual fund dividends or interest . This is not a difficult thing since, under the law, mutual fund companies are required to regularly send a summary of your transactions. All you have to do is analyze them to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment.
Before you invest in mutual funds, make sure you check John Caldwell's excellent free articles on advantages of mutual funds.